Daily Digest | March 28, 2024

Tapioca: a platform for predicting de novo protein–protein interactions in dynamic contexts | Nature Methods

Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) drive cellular processes and responses to environmental cues, reflecting the cellular state. Here researchers develop Tapioca, an ensemble machine learning framework for studying global PPIs in dynamic contexts. Tapioca predicts de novo interactions by integrating mass spectrometry interactome data from thermal/ion denaturation or cofractionation workflows with protein properties and tissue-specific functional networks.

Research paper


Codon language embeddings provide strong signals for use in protein engineering | Nature Machine Intelligence

Protein representations from deep language models have yielded state-of-the-art performance across many tasks in computational protein engineering. In recent years, progress has primarily focused on parameter count, with recent models’ capacities surpassing the size of the very datasets they were trained on. Here researchers propose an alternative direction. They show that large language models trained on codons, instead of amino acid sequences, provide high-quality representations that outperform comparable state-of-the-art models across a variety of tasks.

Research paper


Metabolomic machine learning predictor for diagnosis and prognosis of gastric cancer | Nature Communications

Gastric cancer (GC) represents a significant burden of cancer-related mortality worldwide, underscoring an urgent need for the development of early detection strategies and precise postoperative interventions. However, the identification of non-invasive biomarkers for early diagnosis and patient risk stratification remains underexplored. Here, researchers conduct a targeted metabolomics analysis of 702 plasma samples from multi-center participants to elucidate the GC metabolic reprogramming. Their machine learning analysis reveals a 10-metabolite GC diagnostic model, which is validated in an external test set with a sensitivity of 0.905, outperforming conventional methods leveraging cancer protein markers (sensitivity < 0.40).

Research paper


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