Daily Digest | March 25, 2024

Accurate and sensitive mutational signature analysis with MuSiCal | Nature Genetics

Mutational signature analysis is a recent computational approach for interpreting somatic mutations in the genome. Its application to cancer data has enhanced our understanding of mutational forces driving tumorigenesis and demonstrated its potential to inform prognosis and treatment decisions. However, methodological challenges remain for discovering new signatures and assigning proper weights to existing signatures, thereby hindering broader clinical applications. Here researchers present Mutational Signature Calculator (MuSiCal), a rigorous analytical framework with algorithms that solve major problems in the standard workflow.

Research paper


Dividing out quantification uncertainty allows efficient assessment of differential transcript expression with edgeR | Nucleic Acids Research

Differential expression analysis of RNA-seq is one of the most commonly performed bioinformatics analyses. Transcript-level quantifications are inherently more uncertain than gene-level read counts because of ambiguous assignment of sequence reads to transcripts. While sequence reads can usually be assigned unambiguously to a gene, reads are very often compatible with multiple transcripts for that gene, particularly for genes with many isoforms. Software tools designed for gene-level differential expression do not perform optimally on transcript counts because the read-to-transcript ambiguity (RTA) disrupts the mean-variance relationship normally observed for gene level RNA-seq data and interferes with the efficiency of the empirical Bayes dispersion estimation procedures. The pseudoaligners kallisto and Salmon provide bootstrap samples from which quantification uncertainty can be assessed. Researchers show that the overdispersion arising from RTA can be elegantly estimated by fitting a quasi-Poisson model to the bootstrap counts for each transcript. The technical overdispersion arising from RTA can then be divided out of the transcript counts, leading to scaled counts that can be input for analysis by established gene-level software tools with full statistical efficiency.

Research paper


A causal perspective on dataset bias in machine learning for medical imaging | Nature Machine Intelligence

As machine learning methods gain prominence within clinical decision-making, the need to address fairness concerns becomes increasingly urgent. Despite considerable work dedicated to detecting and ameliorating algorithmic bias, today’s methods are deficient, with potentially harmful consequences. This Perspective sheds new light on algorithmic bias, highlighting how different sources of dataset bias may seem indistinguishable yet require substantially different mitigation strategies.

Research paper


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